Project Management

Ensuring the operational success of your business relies on how productive your team is throughout their work day. If staff aren’t getting work done, there is no way you will reach your daily, monthly or yearly goals. So how do you track and report on progress within your office? Project management helps you identify areas of weakness, assign tasks to the most reliable and well-suited employee as well as provide a timeline for when projects should ideally be completed.

There are many options out there for how you set up your project management, and what programs and software you put into place in order to help your company or department keep better track of their projects. The advisers at Real Consulting have the extensive knowledge of best practices and want to share their wisdom with you in order to completely optimise your operation.


  • In-depth analysis of potential software solutions

  • Multi-user software options

  • A focus on optimisation

  • The right advice for your market

Consult Our Experts Before Making Your Choice

Project management is an important piece of the puzzle that is your daily operations. Without an effective project management software, it’s virtually impossible to keep up-to-date with your employees’ work, get detailed reports and ensure that projects are following the proper timeline to completion.

How do you, as an employer, ensure that you have the right software for the job? If you have any specific needs or requirements, it can make it that much harder to find a program that is right for you. At Real Consulting, we take all of your demands into account when we’re doing our research. We go for a more personalised approach in our advising, meaning we take the time to learn about your company before we put together a list of your best options. We don’t want you to waste your time with us – we’re committed to finding you the most optimal fit for your business.

How We Do It

Consistent and efficient work
Giving up is not something we’re interested in – we commit ourselves to you from the very get-go and ensure that you get to reap the benefits from our hard work. Without our clients, we wouldn’t have anyone to share the knowledge with.
A focus on ease of use
Project management software is used by many different employees at your company, all with varying skill sets. We try to make sure that all of our software is simple and effective, so your staff doesn’t experience a steep learning curve.
Everything you need in one dashboard
Shuffling between documents when you need information quickly is the last thing you need when you have a deadline. Our suggestions will feature simple dashboards that conglomerate all your necessities in one simple interface.

Contact us for detailed information

Other Services

  • Eliminate the frustrations associated with networking and office connectivity by leveraging our expertise. We’ll connect you with the reliable hardware that you need to minimise downtime.

  • Are you experiencing difficulties with your existing infrastructure? We can suggest the perfect software to overcome these technological barriers and keep your systems up and running.

  • We assess the current and future needs of your business in order to help you take advantage of web hosting solutions that are as flexible or fixed as your digital content requires.

  • We’ll recommend a variety of powerful, specialised software for all of your departments in order to improve the efficiency and productivity of your current day-to-day operations.

  • Offer your customers reliable and helpful call centre services that are accessible both online and over the phone, regardless of whether your team will be outsourced or located in-house.

Let's get started! Contact us for more information on how we can help your business.