About Us

The work that we do is aimed to help companies make those hard-hitting decisions that affect a large portion of their business and employees. We want to make sure that there should never be a choice between letting your company fall or building your company as far as you can go.

Amazing Performance

We’ve set up our consulting services to be all-encompassing. We value performance and we value the hardships that come with keeping a company from going under, or keeping a company from continuing on its path of constant plateau.

Whether you’re simply looking to add some support and guidance where there was none before, or need help setting up entire departments, our consultants will bring you to the resources that you so desperately need.

  • 100%

    Client Satisfaction
  • 365

    Days a year
  • 5*

You have a choice

Real Consulting Truly Cares

We take pride in knowing that our clients glean amazing insight from our experts and consultants. We have a goal for our company, and it’s to help businesses like yours gain access to some of the brightest minds in business solutions.

A Focus On You

From day one, we try to learn as much about your company as possible. How you operate, what systems you have tried in the past, the ones you have in place right now, why they aren’t working, what your employees expect from you and what your clients expect from you. After we’ve collected this information, we put it to work on coming up with projections and statistics of the best software, hardware and workforce options in your bracket.

We Always Follow Through

Once we’ve put together a projection for your company, we want to know what solutions you decided to go with and what you felt wasn’t necessary. Gaining this feedback helps us come to the rescue for other companies who are in your shoes. We are a data-focused consulting company and we want to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to helping businesses get through their rough patches.

How We Work At

Real Consulting

If you’ve never worked with a consulting company before, you have come to the right place. We combine expert guidance with a deep understanding of how the business world works. We have done the research, let us share our insight with you.

Putting trust in Real Consulting results in the growth of businesses. In order to grow, companies need to make sure they are making the right choices. We go over potential software and plans of attack for businesses every day, offering expert advice on what their next step should be.

Innovation Works

A lot of business solutions consulting companies are afraid to look into new and exciting ways to help businesses reach their goals. At Real Consulting, we decided to place an emphasis on new and emerging software and hardware and how they would fit into different markets. We are proud to know that we have experts in absolutely every field who are consistently doing their research when it comes to newer, more efficient ways to accomplish day-to-day tasks.

Our Responsibility, Our Mission

Although we are simply a consulting firm, aiming to give our clients access to the options that best suit them, their goals and their overall mandate, we do truly believe that our responsibility is to guide in you a direction that helps get your company above and beyond your competition, no matter who they are. We analyse all the angles and come back to you with something that will change the way you do business – for the better.